All 100% PURE products are FDA compliant.
We formulate our cosmetics with fruit pigments because they contain beneficial antioxidant properties. They are used primarily as an antioxidant additive within our formulas, and not as a color additive – though they do also provide natural color benefits. The FDA does not include fruit pigments on their approved list of colorants, because their color benefits are secondary to their antioxidant benefits.
The FDA does not approve cosmetics before they come to market. This is why we feel it’s crucial to be an informed consumer, by reviewing and familiarizing yourself with all of the ingredients in the products you buy. We pride ourselves in the safety of our products and the transparency of our formulas, which is why the full ingredient list of each product is listed on our website. This guide was also created to help our community decipher and understand the ingredient list of any beauty product.
Our hope is that FDA regulation of cosmetics will evolve and become as rigorous as EU regulation. In the meantime, we remain committed to using the safest natural ingredients and producing the healthiest products possible.
I’m confused. Does the FDA list of approved cosmetic ingredients only include color additives?
Yes. With the exception of color additives, the FDA does not approve cosmetics or ingredients before they go to market. Any cosmetic ingredient that is not categorized as a color additive by the FDA will not be found on their approved list. You can learn more about their process here.
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